Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break Part 1: Liberty University

The Liberty Monogram on the side of the mountain

My school decided to give us a week for spring break this year. Normally, we get one day for a "break" so Jake and I jumped at the chance to have a good time.

First, we roadtripped to Liberty University to visit Doug and Ashley.

Funny story about this road trip....Originally momma was going to let us take her car to drive up since Jake's stick shift truck was in the shop to be fixed. (The fact that momma was going to let  us use her van is pretty great. She is very picky about her car!) So, Jake and I are all hyped up that we get to use the van with all the gizmos and gadgets. Until the auto shop called....They fixed Jake's truck in less than 6 hours and were waiting for us to pick it up. So, we crammed all our stuff into Jake's two by too small stick shift truck and hit the road to see our friends.
Jake and Ashley
I stayed with Ashley in her dorm and Jake slept in Doug's. I had never met Ashley, Jake knew her from an apologetics camp he went to the previous summer, so it was very interesting to stay with a random person my brother knew. But Ashley was fabulous and we hit it off quite well! I spent most of Tuesday with her and then her boyfriend, she and I all went to an astrophysics class. The next morning, Jake and Ashley went to class together so I stayed in her dorm doing homework, till it was time for Convocation. Basically, it is a tri-weekly service and many times there are guest speakers. Afterwards, I caught up with Doug and went to classes with him. I was so paranoid about the teacher's calling me out as not being a student!

My hostess and "roommate" Ashley <3

Jake, Ashley and I

Jake and I in the prayer garden
It was a really interesting experience staying in a dorm. For me, the fact of sharing an itty bitty room with two other girls was NOT appealing. But seeing how close all the girls in the hall were and how welcoming they were to me as a guest was really nice. 

Jake and Doug. Debate partners and best buds

Alumni debaters (Ewan, Jake, Doug and I)
 Jake was so tired (he and Doug stayed up till 2am doing homework together) so he made me learn to drive the truck. Now, I had the basic idea of driving a stick shift, I just didn't always know the right gears to shift into while driving. And I have a hard time moving the truck forward once it has completely stopped. Jake was bound to teach me so he could nap. And I did great! I never stalled, but it did take a few seconds to get going after the stoplights. Once we were on the straight aways, Jake would try to nap. I say try because he was so paranoid I wouldn't do something right, he would scare himself awake. After about an hour of scaring himself and not liking my slow driving, he took back over. But I can officially say, I know how to drive a stick shift!

Driving Jake's stick shift truck. Go me!!

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