This month (my stars is it really November already?!) makes a year and a half that Alex and I have been together. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday when we were walking around Mount Vernon seeing each other for the first time since we got the go to start courting. Over time, people have asked me questions like "how do you handle the distance? How often do you see each other? Are you sure you are the people for each other?" In lieu of every one's questions and as a reflection of the relationship, I figured I would do a "relationship" post.

So, how do I handle the distance? That is a simple yet complicated question to answer. The simple answer is I live my own life. I work, go to school, chill with my girls and keep busy with my hobbies. The best thing for a long distance relationship (LDR) is to keep busy. Especially a West Point LDR. There are so many responsibilities and things that Alex is responsible for, on top of all his academic work. That means that we don't always get to talk as much as we both would like. Our communication is usually a handful of texts throughout the day and usually a series of goodnight texts. He will call maybe once or twice a week for about twenty minutes but that is rare. As a girlfriend of a West Point cadet, it is really easy to sit around and pine for your boyfriend and get upset when they can't talk to you 24/7. So that's why I stay busy. I have to in order to keep the relationship healthy and for my own sanity. Plus, I would waste so much time wishing that I was with him that I would be letting my life just pass on by and not enjoying where I am now.
The complicated answer and what people usually mean by the "handling distance" question is, how do I deal with not seeing my boyfriend all the time. There is no real answer for that, I just do. I wish I could see Alex more often but the reality is that sometimes it just doesn't happen. Because of the strict West Point schedule and their limited school breaks, it can be hard at times for any couple to see each other. Throw in the fact that Alex and I live five hours apart (his family is in Virginia, while I'm in NC) it makes it even harder for us to coordinate schedules for visiting time. We do our best to see each other when possible, even if it is for two or three days. But there are times when things just don't work out. I was supposed to go to a ball with Alex in March, but because of finances and other factors, I can't go. When stuff like that happens, we both have to be willing to find an alternate solution. Even if it means we delay seeing each other for a couple months. Does that mean we don't try to see each other because it's too hard? No, if anything we try harder. Even if it's for a few days, that time is worth all the month separated.
How often do I see Alex? Not enough, obviously. Like I said before, we do the best we can to see each other. I wish we could see each other more but no point in pining on that fact.
How do Alex and I know we are the right ones for each other? OK first, go ask any Christian married couple how they knew. It's a God thing. Have their been times that we have almost ended the relationship? Of course, but the God's strength is what has kept us together and without Him we wouldn't be together still.
What if God has someone else for you both? Not going to answer that question, it's annoying and we wouldn't be together if it wasn't meant to be.
In closing, our relationship is really unique. Like the fact Alex and I are TOTAL opposites. Alex is 110% city slicker and I'm the southern country belle (Dad calls him the Suburbanite, haha!) He is Mr. Big Bad Brave and Adventurous. I would rather stay close to the ground and don't like a whole lot of excitement. I'm more reserved and not as out-going where Alex will talk to anyone and everyone. I'm very sensitive where Alex gets a grin from telling dead puppy jokes (my stars they were awful! He is banned from telling them) We are best friends and willing to call each other out when we step ou of line. We have times when we fight and hurt each other. We are imperfect sinners, so no we aren't going to have it down perfect. But we are willing to fight for each other and the relationship.
Right now we are enjoying where we are in life and in the relationship. We are on a big adventure together and I can't wait to see what all is in store for us =)
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