Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Infinity Scarf tutorial and giveaway!

These infinity scarves are EVERYWHERE! On Pinterest, in the malls, all over Etsy, you name it, it's there. These beauties are especially a big hit in my neck of North Carolina. I didn't have a big interest in them until momma got me one for Christmas. Oh honey, I adore these things! Not only are they super cute, they are so warm and don't sit so tight around my neck that I feel like I'm choking.  Momma had made the comment that it was so easy, I pry could make my own.

Challenge accepted.

I have so much yarn that I have been trying to knit up or use in some way. And quite frankly, I'm about burnt out on knitting. So, why not use up some yarn and try my hand at making one? The end result was a lovely new bright blue scarf made from yarn I spun myself. I got really excited about doing this because there is so little effort involved! You can make this whatever length, color and texture that suits your fancy.

The goods:
A skein of yarn
Two chairs
Fabric scraps (2" by 3")

The details:

Set your chairs side by side and grab your yarn.  Cut two 6" pieces and set them aside. Tie one end to the loop end and start wrapping your yarn around the chairs.

Just keep wrapping and wrapping until you run out of yarn. Then tie the end off. Take the two pieces of yarn you set aside and tie them on opposite ends of the scarf. (Do not take it off the chair until after you have tied the yarn loops together!!)
Trim off the tails so there is some excess hanging down, but not too short.
Now take your fabric scrap pieces (they must measure 2" by 3") Fold the ends (on the 3" side) in to meet each other. 

Fold one end in a small amount, enough to hide the raw edge. 

Wrap the fabric piece over where your yarn tail are hanging. Make sure you tuck the raw edge under the edge you turned under. Pin to hold in place and whip stitch to secure. Repeat over the other yarn tails. 
Remove from the chairs and TADA!!!! You have your own, one of a kind, infinity scarf!
Now for the giveaway, I'm giving away the scarf I made in the tutorial. There are a few ways you can get your named entered into the drawing.
1. Become a follower and mention it in a comment (worth 1 entry)
2. Leave me a lovely comment on this post (worth 1 entry)
3. Promote the giveaway through any kind of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, etc...) and post a link of where you promoted it, in a comment (worth 1 entry)
The drawing ends this Saturday (January 26, 2013) at noon! I will announce the winner later in the afternoon.
Good luck y'all and happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Good heavens, that looks so easy I'd almost feel like I was cheating. I might have to try this. Sometimes I just have too many knitting projects going on, but I want to wear a pretty new yarn I've bought, so this would fit the ticket.
